President Message
School is an important part of institutional social order. The concept of citizenship finds expanded expression and constantly covers new areas as human society continues to evolve to higher level of development. School, now a days, caters not only to education but to “Second Generation Human Rights” (Economic, Social and Cultural).
It hardly needs stressing that the activity called “Education” is an exercise in assimilating, creating and disseminating. Knowledge is a powerful means of influencing and bringing attitudinal change in the citizens. Without education we cannot see beyond ourselves and our narrow surroundings to the reality of global independence.
Without education, we cannot realize how people of other races and religions share the same dreams and same hopes, without education we cannot recognize the universality of human aims and aspirations. It is my vision that I.B.(L) should prove to be a new synonym for the word ‘education’. We wish to define it beyond literacy. I am sure our respected parents will co-operate and contribute in this venture of ours. We wish to develop all round personality of the students with caution because “A man may be so much of everything that he is nothing of anything” and before recording the progress of the students on paper we should record it on his mind. My earnest request to the parents is togive practical exposure to the child in the school of social etiquettes and believe me you will find your ward shining on the horizon of success.